Thursday, June 12, 2008

lots of stuff...

Ok, so only posted about the zoo trip on the last blog because if I sit and write too long with pictures to post, something goes wrong and it gets lost so whatever. Here's another post.

Play set update:

Not completed yet. Lots of stuff going on here that it's getting done a little at a time. We were supposed to finish it up on Sat. but the rain came and came and came. I will post picts later.

Chad's new job:

In case you don't know, Chad took a new job with Best Energy Bio Diesel in Cashton. It's the first of it's kind in the state if not the US. The make bio diesel (I guess). It's a little top-secret (proprietary rights) so he can say what they do but not what they use. His last day at Cummins is tomorrow-Friday the 13th. Perfection. This will be a change for all of us, but I think it's a great change.

The flood:

In case you don't own a TV, radio, read a newspaper, or live in a hole in the ground you've heard about the flooding in our area. Crazy. We got a little water in our basement but was nothing compared to what my Grandparents had happen to their house. The hillside behind their house let go and all the mud and rock came down the hill and slid their car into their house and moved that 2-3 feet. My mom and Dave came over and "rescued" them and all stayed with us for the night before heading back to Milwaukee with G&G. Such a mess. There is literally disaster everywhere. Roads are gone, houses are destroyed, crops ruined. 100 year flood, my ass. Twice in 2 years! The water was shooting out of the storm sewer 2-3 feet in the air because there was no place for it to do but up!

I guess we should all be thankful that everyone is OK and it's only things that were damaged. Roads can be re-built, crops can be re-planted. I think our crops are OK. We haven't gone to inspect them yet, but what can you do? Chad's going down with the skid steer and diging G&G out this weekend, so hopefully everyone can get back to life as usual.

put me in the zoo

With Chad taking a different job (YES!!!! FINALLY OUT OF MUFFLER!!!!) he had a lot of time to use so we decided to take the boys on a mini-vaca to the zoo in Mad Town. Jack had a great time and Alex too, but he didn't like riding around in the stroller. Jack loved everything except the birds. They started squawking and he started to cry. Mad dash out of the bird house.

Alex's' fav. was the giraffes and the ice cream sandwich we had. Here's a few picts from the day...

It was a good time. Jack said several times, "I had fun with the animals at the zoo." He's so cute like that. He'll usually say at bedtime that he had a fun time doing whatever fun thing we did that day. It's nice to know the little thing you did to make his day a little more fun was a hit with him as well.
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