Tuesday, August 5, 2008

what project 365?

Yeah, so, ok. Anyone keeping track of the "project" knows I haven't posted any photos since, what, March? Yeah I knew that would happen. I noticed my cousin kept going well past the time I pooped out. I love looking at her photos, but was getting tied down to taking my own. Like she said, it became a chore and no fun. If I see something that inspires me or is unusual I will take a photo, but not to fill a quota.

So, it is what it is and it ain't much!

summer fun

Here are a few photos from earlier this summer:
It don't get any whiter than this!

I guess I'm starting a pattern of blogging once a month. Not so good. In my defense, there's been a lot going on in the past few weeks. I'm sure all of you who read this have heard Chad's dad passed away recently. He was in the hospital for a short while before, so blogging hasn't been a priority.

Chad is doing good. Hard at first, but getting better. It's going to be different and we have some decisions to make as a family what to do with the farm (what our plans are) so we will see what the future brings.

It's been warm around here lately and the boys have enjoyed playing outside and swimming in their pool (we got a bigger one than what's in the above pict). We've been going out to the farm with Chad some and visiting with Great Gram and Gramp. I'm not used to being outside so much--I'm the darkest I've been in 10 years! I'm sure to everyone else, I'm still almost transparent but to me it's a tan!

Chad finished the play set this weekend! Yay! Now I just need to post a pict of it! It's not 100% done--I still have to stain the swing beam and we might put up a climbing rope later, but we're calling it complete!

Chad's job is doing well. It's a different schedule, but he can adjust to just about anything. It's becoming increasingly difficult to keep the children quiet past noon, but I try. He has his first day shift next week, so that should be interesting. He's not much of a morning person, so we will see. It will be nice having him home those evenings.

Not much new for me. Being a stay-at-home mom in a small town kinda limits new and exciting adventures! Maybe I'll find some and get to blog about them!