Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm back!

Ok, sorry for the long time off from the blogging. You know, the only people that understand about blogging absences are people that blog themselves. Just sayin.

We have moved in and are somewhat settled. We still have quite a bit left at the old house which I hope to get before the snow falls. We also have to get the basement in some sort of order before we can move that stuff over so it's a vicious cycle and with three boys and the day-to-day cleaning and laundry I can never get anything done.

On a side note: Is it possible to get disposable clothing? Kinda like paper plates. Just use them once and throw them away? OMG! SO SICK OF DOING LAUNDRY!!!!! I would like to hire someone to do only my laundry (and maybe my dishes). Isn't that called a housekeeper? Or a wife? That's it! I need a wife. Maybe those Mormons know what they're doing!

Anyway, I'll try to get some pics. on here. You won't believe how big Ben is getting. Slow down, boy. Slow down!

Jack started school the first of the month and he is doing great. He rides the bus to and from school with no problems. His first day he got on the bus, no crying or fighting and didn't even look back to wave. :( Just one step closer to me being obsolete.

Alex has started using the potty and is in undies full-time now. Just a few accidents here and there, but that's to be expected. I think this move has motivated both boys to "grow up" a little.
We're sooooo excited to not be buying diapers for him anymore. He was outgrowing them anyway. We were close to shopping in the Depends isle!

The boys have adjusted well to the move and we are all loving the farm life!