Tuesday, October 20, 2009

just the facts

There has been a lot going on here in the last couple of weeks that I think I'll just do a bullet post...
- My Gram had a stroke, but is doing soo much better now. Still headed to FL next weekend. Gramp is taking excellent care of her!

- Everyone in our house was/is sick. Fever, chills, cough, body aches, and a tiny bit of vomit for good measure. We're all on the mend with the exception of the cough.

-My step-sister Katie got married on the 10th. We went and had a blast. The boys were ring bearers and did a great job. Didn't check my batt. on my camera, so I only got one pict. before it died. Katie was a beautiful bride and it's always fun partying with the Banos.

-Played with the boys in the leaves this morning. Raked a big pile and threw them in it. It was all fun and games until I got my head stepped on.

-Got a lot done around the house this weekend. Trees trimmed, bushes ripped out, dirt hauled and filled in around the house. Chad built shelves in the storage room and I got some stuff put away, old carpet ripped up and hauled out, and a couple more boxes unpacked.

I know there's more, but I'll leave it for another day :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

poor benny

Oh my poor little boy. He is having some pooping issues and I feel so bad for him.

He has been getting increasingly more hungry for the last three weeks so we've been giving him rice cereal. Then adding pear juice to it to make him go easier. Then adding fruit to get him moving and he's getting all balled up. He went tonight and it was soooo hard and he cried :( I'm going to call the Dr. tomorrow and see what we can do about this.

Everything else is so busy around here. We have so much to do and not enough hours in the day. It's been so rainy and icky here nothing is getting done outside. Chad was able to get part of the lawn mowed tonight, so that was good.

Goin' down to see Gram and Gramp tomorrow to take them some meals and treats and stuff. Gram had a stroke last week, for the ones who didn't know. She's doing good but she gets pretty tired. I think they kicked her butt in therapy today. Gramp leaves for the Freedom Honor Flight on Friday. That is such an honor. I hope he has a great trip.