Monday, May 17, 2010

this one's for all the mommies and daddies out there...

If you are feeling down, sad, and need a little laugh...


For the days when you think only this sh*t happens to you! Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

crunchy quiz

I stumbled across this quiz and took it. It tells how "crunchy" you are. Apparently I'm 'pretty crispy'! Who would have thunk it? I got no problems being a bit crispy if it means saving the planet and a little money. I DO however take showers daily (95% of the time), use real deodorant, and never wear patchouli. No one wins when you stink!

I cut my ring finger yesterday so typing is really difficult with the splint that I rigged up for it so it will close up and not keep opening. I thought I needed stitches, but we'll tough it out with butterflies and a band-aid.

Birthday post coming later. Happy 1st Birthday, Ben! Margaritas are on me!

Monday, May 3, 2010

may 3, 2010

My cousin, Lori follows a blog (Ali Edwards) that I have been following since seeing it on her blog. It's very cool and very Lori--all about scrapping and taking photos--documenting things in your life. She has done a week in the life that I didn't do but think it is an awesome idea. I might try it some time in my own low-budget way :)

Anyway, it reminds me to write down what's happening with us right now:

Me and Chad:
-busy time on the farm with planting and calves. He just came in and told me we have a set of twins.
-trying to get the house 'finished' from what we started this winter-paint, trim, finishing floor pieces...
-no more babies for us--Chad made it 'official'
-trying to balance keeping the house up while it's soooo nice outside.
-Chad working way, way too much as usual

-is turing ONE in just a few days!! Can't believe it.
-cloth diapering still going strong. Battling the stinkies, but working on it
-still crawling and just starting cruising. No walking yet.
-cut another tooth. One on top and two on bottom
-still a super happy baby. Loves to laugh and play with his brothers.

-finishing up his first year in school. He is doing so well there.
-still wants to be just like dad. Even down to wanting to chew the same gum every day.
-learning to ride his bike without training wheels.
-still takes naps and is a little (lot) trying at times
-is quite the little farm helper.

-doesn't want his hair cut. It is a little white boy curly fro!
-beats up on Jack a lot. He's kind of a bruiser.
-loves to play video games. He's only THREE!!! I see many nights of him and me watching TV or a movie with a bucket of popcorn :)
-still my cuddler and tells me he loves me every day!

That's my family and I love everything about them (except for having to clean the bathrooms) :)