Thursday, August 5, 2010

beans and corn and tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini and lettuce and carrots and potatoes OH MY!!!

Holy crap, people we gots ourselves a huge garden! That doesn't include the watermelon, 2 different types of pumpkins, cantaloupe, and squash that aren't ready yet.

We've been picking cucumbers just about twice a week and I have almost 20 containers of refrigerator pickles to freeze and that doesn't count a bunch we ate ourselves and gave to family. Chad ate so many, he thinks he got gout. Super fun!

I've given up on the green beans. Only got 3 packs frozen, but managed to give a ton away so not a total loss.

We dig potatoes any time we need them. Our supper the other night was all straight off the farm...rump roast from the beef we raise, potatoes and carrots from our garden and pickles that I made. I thought that was pretty awesome.

We froze sweet corn yesterday, but only ended up with 3-4 dozen ears since the raccoons got 3/4 of our sweet corn patch :( Kinda pissed about that one, so we've got a live trap that we're going to set to see what we can catch. I use the term 'live trap' loosely because Chad isn't really a catch-and-release kinda guy, especially when it comes to coon.

I really enjoy the garden and will have one next year for sure. I'll probably make some adjustments, less beans, more potatoes...we'll see.

The boys are doing good. Alex has some kind of virus and is covered head-to-toe with red spots. Not chicken pox, but I guess it is contagious so we'll see how many of us succumb to the spots. Just another day on the farm!