Monday, February 28, 2011

this is what people without kids miss out on

Sunday was supposed to be a great, well-planned out day.

The boys had sunday school and Jack was to sing at the 11 o'clock service. We went to church and the boys did as well as can be expected (did we hear a word of the sermon? No. Never do when the boys are with). Jack got up with his class and sang two songs and did fantastic. He really had an issue at Christmas time not wanting to get up in front of people and refused to participate. We told him the day before that his class was singing and he said he wanted to look spiffy so he picked out a really nice button up shirt and belt with jeans. He looked soooooo handsome!

Anyway, he sang and did great and we got through the rest of the service fairly well. Mom told me to tape it and I did bring the camera, but he looked a bit nervous so I didn't want to upset or embarrass him so I left the camera in the bag. Our plan was to head up to LaCrosse to do some shopping so we grabbed some drive-thru and headed strait up.

Menards was our first stop. Right when we got there Jack said there was something in his ear. I said I would check it out when we got home because I didn't have any Q-tips with me. Within 20-30 minutes he is crying and grabbing his ear saying it really hurts. Great. So much for the rest of the shopping trip. Off to urgant care.

We were fourth in line to be seen. Jack sat with us while Alex and Ben were making little sick friends all over the place. They would run over and look at the fish and run back. It was kind of nice to keep them entertained while we waited.

Chad asked Jack if his tummy hurt. He nodded yes and then BLAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH! Really? Great. He didn't want to take his jacket off earlier so his hat, coat, pants, shirt, everything but his shoes were covered. Of course there were no garbage cans near by so we grabbed his hat to catch the rest of it but that was pretty pointless at that point. Of course he hosed the waiting room chair as well. Makes you think twice about sitting in a waiting room chair now!

He got right in to be seen after that and the doc came and said he had ear infection and thought the pain made him get sick. But after getting new clothes on, some Tylenol and a sticker he made a dash back into the room to yack in the garbage can. Oh, and durring all this, we had the other two kids to keep track of and out of the puke and off of the clinic floor.

At this point, we scrapped our Target and Hancock fabric run but thought I could still run in quick at the grocery store. Jack said he wanted to go home so we scrapped that too. After a quick stop at Walgreens for meds and Target for a DVD for them to watch, we headed home. We get down the road a little and Jack chucked again. Luckilly the nurses gave us several of thoes blue puke ring bag things to take home with us.

I really wanted something to eat on the way out of town, but Jack said the smell might bother him so we just skipped it. After we got back into town we needed to stop and get some milk and Jack got sick again. Once we got home and settled he didn't get sick anymore and went to bed early. I got everyone else in bed and fell asleep myself on the couch.

Jack was fine this morning so he went to school and my house looks like a bomb went off so that's my plan today is to get things cleaned up, restock the emergency diaper bag for the van and do some laundry.

See--people without kids just don't get to have this kind of fun!

Monday, February 21, 2011

holy crap, I'm 30!

Yes, it's true--I am finally 30. Ugghh! So far 30 feels like crap since I've had a cold since last Monday and it just won't go away.

My actual birthday was uneventful. Chad had to work that night and Jack had off school so I spent the day trying to keep the kids quiet so Chad could sleep, dishes, laundry. The norm. My dad took the older two boys to look for shed antlers for a few hours so that was a nice break. I had a lot of Happy Birthday phone calls and of course the customary Happy Birthday song from Gram and Gramp. Loved it! Gram asked if I had a cake. Nope. She asked if someone was cooking me a nice dinner. Nope. Chad suggested pizza so after we signed our tax return we stopped and picked up our over baked cheese pizza. Yum!

Saturday Chad and I got to spend the day shopping like I wanted. My mom and Dave came over to watch the kiddos for us. We picked up some stuff and had a good day. One of our neighbors and friends is in the hospital with a pretty serious disease so we visited him for a while.

We were still full from lunch so we scrapped the nice sit-down dinner (it really would have been a waste--we weren't hungry at all) and stopped at Taco Bell on our way out of town. Nothing but the best for us!! We were supposed to be meeting a couple of friends of ours for drinks so I knew I needed to eat something.

We stopped to get gas once we got back into town and Chad called Chris (one of the friends we were meeting) and told him we were at the gas station and would be there soon. Thought that was a little strange since that was some super short notice to meet us. We parked next to our old neighbors car (another hint) and Chad wouldn't let me pee before walking into the bar. SURPRISE!!! Bar full of people I know!! That was very sweet of him for planning that! He's lucky I was actually feeling better that day because the day before I wouldn't have gone I felt so bad.

I ended up having a great time. I got to see a few of my good friends from high school that I was hoping would be there. My parents were there, step parents were there, my kids were there, Chad's aunt and uncle were there, his sister and cousins were there and more friends that we both have were there. It turned out to be a super fun night and I still have no voice left!!

Here's to being 30, flirty, and fabulous!!! (Gold star for anyone who knows where that is from)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Six years ago today at 6:51pm Jackson David was born. I can not believe it has been six whole years already. He had an awesome day today. Woke up great, had his customary waffle for breakfast, and was super excited to get off to school.

Grampa Ole brought Dilly Bars for Jack to take for snack time and he got a birthday crown to wear all day. They sung to him and he got a neat birthday bag from his teacher.

When he got home he spent a lot of time outside, which he loves to do even when it's colder than a witches boob out there! He and his brother did chores (play in the snow) with their dad and got out of my hair for a bit :)

Jack got to pick his birthday dinner so we had cheese ravioli and a dum dum sucker for dessert. We packed his treat bags for his birthday party this weekend and did a little "kitchen dancing".

All in all a really good day. Happy birthday big man. Love you!