Thursday, April 21, 2011


So my laptop has yet another virus (I am getting so pissed off!!!) so no photos, sorry. I am lucky that I have a new-to-us PC that is working so we at least can get on the internet and keep up with bills and so forth. The PC has no sound card so I have been without my YouTube subscriptions for days and I'm going nuts! Lame, I know but it's all I have :)

Lets see if I can remember all the things I was going to tell you all about....

Jack had his spring concert at school a couple of weeks ago. That was the most interesting one I've been to. One of the kids at the very top of the risers started puking in the middle of a song..side note: people, teach your kids to puke into their hands or shirt if no other acceptable recepticle is near by. He just let it fly and I swear it had to hit the kid in front of him. YUCK!! Then, after being in the gym for a little dancing, we were supposed to go to the music room but a parent had a seisure and we all ended up back in the gym for the rest of the time. The parent is fine (I'm pretty sure--haven't heard otherwise) but that sure was one wierd concert.

We just had a major snowstorm here this last week which resulted in schools getting out early the other day. Snow plows were out and everything. Uggghhhh!!! Soooo sick of snow. Our daphadils are covered in snow! I've always heard if you don't like the weather in Wisconsin, wait 5 minutes. So true!

With all the heavy snow we got, the roof of our machine shed fell in. No one was hurt and all of the machinery that was in there is fine. The building itself is very old and we knew it was a matter of time but didn't really think the snow in April would have done it in. Just waiting for the adjuster to come next week and then we can tear it down.

The whole family went bowling tonight since Jack has no school tomorrow and Chad is off of work until May 1st. It went really well and we bowled 2 games. With a family of 5 it sure takes a while to bowl one game. We ended up grabbing a pizza there and went to DQ for ice cream on the way home. A really fun spur of the moment night. If we would have planned it, it never would have turned out as nice as it did.

I got a hair cut today and a new nail polish which I am very excited to use. Nice to feel semi human and not a booger-covered mommy :) What I would really like is a manicure. My nails have been horrible lately and that would be awesome but I think I'll have to settle with my new polish and do it myself.

I've been taking classes two times a week at the hospital again. Monday is kick boxing and Wednesday is turbo kick. I've actually gained a pound or two since I started which is so not cool but I will finish out the six weeks and we will see where I sit at that point. I don't have time anyway after the six weeks to take it again with all the running this summer with the boys.

Both Alex and Jack are signed up for Park and Rec and we will get them into swimming lessons as well. Alex is doing T-ball and soccer and Jack is doing soccer and golf. Lots of running but it will be fun and they are both excited for it to start.

I think that's all I can remeber right now. We have Benny's 2nd birthday coming up so I have to start planning for that. It won't be half as nicely decorated as Lori's parties but as long as we have cake, everything's good ;)