Thursday, June 23, 2011

a rare, sweet moment

Alex: Daddy loves you.

Me: How do you know?

Alex: Because I hear him say it all the time!

Alex: Mom, I love you.

Me: Love you too, Alex.

Sooooooo sweet! It's nice to see that the kids see how we feel about each other. I hope that gives them a safe, stable feeling. I personally believe that my husband comes first and my children come second because if we can't be good as a couple, we can't be good parents. I think sometimes when people put thier children first, they lose focus as a couple and that doesn't usually end well for anybody. That's just my two cense!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

sick and stuff

Again, no pictures. Sorry! I do need to dust off my camera and get shooting. Tomorrow.

Well the title kinda says it all. Ben got a fever and was really listless on Monday. After a restless night in my bed, he woke up Tues. feeling pretty good. Awesome. That's all that was. Cut to 5 AM today Jack throwing up in the bathroom. Fever and crackers and sleeping all day on the couch was our day. He did bounce back in the afternoon and the four of us had a nice swing on the porch.

I seem to have a cold. In June. Great. I weed whipped this afternoon for way too long. My fingers were the size of sausages by the time I was done. I also ran the trimmer out of gas and tried to pull start it several times before I realized there was no gas! Whatever. At least the motor didn't fall off again.

This week the boys started their Summer Rec programs. Alex has Tot Ball, Jack has golf, and they both do soccer. All of that is on Mondays and just T-ball and golf on Wednesday. Busy busy. Just to throw another log on the fire, the two older boys have swimming lessons every day for two weeks starting on Monday. Lots of running and (unfortunately) take-out. If anyone has quick and easy meal ideas I would love to hear them :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

here's another one...

I tried to upload this from my iPod to YouTube once before and it wouldn't go. Jack tried to take Ben a couple of times down the Slip n Slide but it was just too cold for him.

Everybody should check out my YouTube channel, kcj1086. That's where I will upload video of the boys and such. I probably should have named it something else but oh well!

video treat (sort of)

So I got/bought for myself a iPod Touch for a belated Mothers Day gift. I love it! I've been playing around with it and recorded a little video. Sorry for the bad lighting-we had the drapes shut to try to keep it cool in here. I'm turning the A/C on tomorrow--this is ridiculous!