Sunday, July 6, 2008


I see that it's been almost a month since my last post. Oops! Again, I plead busy.

The play set still isn't 100% done, but is fully usable. Just needs the roof and the rock wall. One of these days, I'll post some picts. Chad is working nights this week, so it's kind of like old times--back to blogging at 10 o'clock at nite!

Chad's dad isn't doing so great right now. He's in ICU and has some unknown infection and is on a vent. We've been focused on that for the last couple of weeks. There's more to it, but I'll just say he's really sick.

On a more positive note, my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mike are adopting the cutest little boy from Vietnam! Congrats, you two! Get your sleep now, 'cause you won't be getting any after that baby comes home!

Our boys are doing good. Alex is saying more words now. More just repeating than saying them on his own, but I'm still very excited. He's been a little delayed in his speech (which is a little amazing, since he's my kid) but looks like he coming along fine. Jack baled hay with daddy today. He loves helping out at the farm. He even napped in there!

That's all for now; not sure when I'll be back, but hang in there. When Chad works nites I'll have time to blog!

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