Monday, January 26, 2009

lazy, tired, and fat

That pretty much sums up how I'm feeling lately. I have been so tired lately and I'm almost dreading the next 3 months because I know the lack of energy is going to get worse. The up side is we're heading into spring instead of winter so the days are getting longer and should warm up a bit so that will help. It's nice to know all the snow will be gone by the time this buba will be here.

He is getting bigger and more forceful with his movements. He got me once today and it really hurt! He's treating my uterus as a hammock and is settled at the very bottom. Plus-- I can breathe. Minus-- lots of pressure and have to pee all day long. Why is it I forget every time what this feels like? I suppose if we remembered, all women would only have one child!

I've been meaning to get a photo of my belly on here for weeks now but I need Chad to take one and it's not happening. I really have to get on that because I love to look back and see how big I got. I feel huge, like my skin suit (as Chad calls it) is getting tight.

The boys have been kicking my butt lately. I swear they are sneaking Mt. Dew's out of the fridge and shot-gunning them in the basement without me knowing. If I had that energy, I could clean my whole house top-to-bottom in about an hour. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SPRING!!!!!

I can't imagine my blogging getting better in the next few months, but here's to hopin'.

Monday, January 12, 2009

is it 2009 already?

I know, I know, bad bad blogger. It's been almost a month since my last blog. Gees, has it been that long already? And yes, Lori, I am so the less cooler cousin. I think of you every time I turn my computer off and don't post anything! What can I say, I'm tired!

We all had a good Christmas here. Went to Mom and Dave's and got to see Dan, Mary and Bella before they made the long trek to California. So glad we were all healthy and could go! The boys had a great time as usual and we also got to meet Jake for the first time. Too cute! To bad my boys are like rabid dogs on a piece of meat when they see a baby. We need to work on that.

We had Christmas and New Years at Chad's mom's house with all the kiddies. That was fun and a lot of energy under one roof. The boys had a blast and got waaayyyyy too much! Oh well, I think Grandma must of had fun shopping!

On January 2nd, we welcomed the newest addition to the family-- Lauryn Jean. Chad's sister Lisa and her husband Dave had their third and final baby just after the new year. She is a peanut weighing under 8 lbs. and is a GIRL!! Some much needed estrogen in our ocean of testosterone! Chad says between her two brothers and three (boy) cousins she will be the most protected girl in school! So very true.

Chad's been as busy as ever. Working at Best, farming, and at John's, he's a busy boy. He's also been helping a friend of mine finish up a room in her basement for her daughter. Oh yea, and sleeping in there somewhere! We're actually really lucky he is so busy. NCR, a factory in town just decided to close after over 40 years putting over 80 people out of work and Cummins where Chad used to work has been doing a lot of 'reconfiguring' (a nice way of putting it). They have laid off a lot of people and trimmed there usual 4-10 hour work weeks down to 3-10 hour days. I don't know what some of the people are going to do. We have a few friends that still work there and are going to have a very hard time making it now. We are very blessed. I just need to keep telling myself that when Chad is out making us some money instead of sitting at home.

I've been feeling pretty good. Some days are more energy-filled than others and I take full advantage of those. Trying to get the nursery put together, picking out a paint color (after the two boys, the room needs a touch-up) and just trying to keep the house picked up and not getting too disgusting.

The babe is really getting stronger in his kicks. This past week/week and a half, it's really starting to hurt! I especially love his bladder shots. We still haven't decided on a name yet. I'm trying and did get a top 5 from Chad last night, so we're getting closer. I really wanted Cash, but Chad vetoed it so that's the only name I'm sharing with anyone because it's not an option anymore. I wanted something more unique this time, but Chad is die-hard traditional, so we shall see what we come up with.

I have taken a few photos in the past month. Not many, but some and I will try to post them some day when I stop shopping for baby stuff long enough to download them!

Speaking of kicks to the bladder....HOLY COW! This kid better watch it!

Oh, and is it just me or is the widget on the side starting to look less and less like a monkey and more like a real human baby?