Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6 weeks

Baby Benny is 6 weeks old today! Is that even possible? Has it really gone by that fast? I really try to soak in every minute with him because I know all to well I'll wake up one morning and he will be the one starting school :( All the moms reading this are going, yes it does go way too fast.

Ben is smiling a little now. He started at about 4 weeks, but lately we've been able to get him to smile instead of 'just gas' smiles. I have no idea what he weighs. His next apt. is on the 30th so we'll see then. He sleeps pretty good at night--waking up one or two times for a butt change and boobie time.

Jack started swimming lessons on Monday and it's going very well. He is doing great compared to last year. He's listening and participating. We're so proud of him! Alex cried the first lesson because he can't go in, he's too little. We keep telling him we'll go to open swim some night. I feel so bad :( Most kids cry because they don't want to go in the water and my kid cries because he can't go in. Too cute. He still has no interest in the potty. The diaper changes are getting really disgusting. I keep telling myself, he'll go when he's ready, but I think he wouldn't mind crapping his pants for a few more years.

No offers on the house yet. I'm trying not to let it get me down, but since we're moving in August, I'd like this one to sell.

I have pics--just need to download. Soon, I promise.

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