Saturday, February 6, 2010

happy 5th birthday jack!

Jack, my baby, my first-born son is 5! Where did that time go?

He is my 'miracle' baby. It took us over two years to get pregnant with him and I was almost at the point of 'this might never happen' when we found out at a friend's wedding that it had finally happened! We were so excited, but a little concerned because just a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant, I had my appendix out. I had a CT scan, anesthesia, really strong pain killers for after--all the while they thought I wasn't pregnant. My OB assured me he was such a tiny bean that it would have been all or nothing and he would have not made it and I wouldn't even know I was pregnant or he would be totally fine. 9 months later, a healthy Jackson David was born!

Look at him now! Full of piss and vinegar and everything BOY!

He loves to be just like his dad. We say Jack is so me and Alex is so Chad and he hates that!

He is such the little farmer. Loves doing chores, talking about chores, drawing the farm and doing chores. Everything he plays, draws, and talks about is totally farm-related.
He is in Pre-School now and really likes it. He is learning his letters and wants to practice write all the time. He has made so many new friends. It's such a new experience for him to notice someone when we're out shopping that I don't know.

Jack is my helper. He feeds Ben sometimes, plays with him, gives him a bottle, but doesn't change any diapers. Won't do it. Bummer.

We went to LaCrosse just him, me, and Ben. He was such a good helper going into stores and McD's pushing the stroller so I could push the cart or take our food to the table. He does so well when he's given a job to do.

He loves to build and play with trucks and blocks. He built this and made me take a picture so if (when) his brother knocked it down, we would know how to re-build it.
His favorite toys are his 1:16 farm tractors and implements, semi's and construction equipment.

He got a shaving kit from Santa for Christmas and loves it! Yet another thing that makes him just like dad!

Nana and Papa Dave took everyone (except Chad-he had to work-big surprise) to the Children's Museum for his birthday. They had a great time (the boy in the red shirt is a random). Papa Dave was trying to get him to climb the rock wall since he's old enough now, but didn't want to. Alex wanted to and was upset that he was too little. That just shows how different their personalities are!
Jack is a pretty neat kid and can't wait to see what 5 brings! Oh, did I mention he is a talker? Just. Like. Mom. Poor Chad won't get (and doesn't already) get a word in edge-wise!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Happy Birthday Jack!

Glad to hear everything is going well with you guys
