Tuesday, March 30, 2010

basement day 2

They finished! By noon! The guys had all the water track stuff in place when they left yesterday so when the got here this morning they filled in with washed rock, put the plastic over and flashing stuff in and cemented on top. I am not doing this process justice at all. It looks good and I hope it's the answer we've been hoping for (and for the amount of $$ it dang well better be).

We need to stay off the concrete for a couple of days and not put anything on top of it for a week. I can't wait to get down there and wash the floor and get it prepped for whatever we decide to do for flooring. Chad thinks we can get away with carpet, but I almost would like to paint it and put down rugs. We will see...

Monday, March 29, 2010

basement day 1

Work on the basement has commenced. Jackhammering complete. Water taker-away trench thingy (actual technical name) put in. Sump pit dug and installed. We are moving along swimmingly. They will pour concrete tomorrow and (hopefully) finish up? I can't wait! One step closer to a family room!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


As promised...

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Yea, yea, I know. Spare me!

We have had a lot going on here lately. Lets start with the basement.

We have a moisture problem (no standing water or anything) in the basement and are finally getting to resolve it. We have a company out of Richland Center (and Madison) coming on Monday to "fix" our problem. I hope. We have had to move all our stuff away from the outside walls, pull down drywall, and actually clean and sort stuff! They will be jack-hammering the concrete down to the footer and put in their system and put concrete back on top. This better solve this problem, because I really want to get that basement usable!

Moving on to Jack. Grampa Ole is teaching Jack to ride his bike without training wheels! He has only tried a couple of days but is doing really well. He does best in the grass but has gone on the road. He was doing really good going down the road but hit a patch of sand and totally ate it in the ditch. He's ok, but scared to try again.

Ben is crawling! He has been for a couple of weeks now. Benny is into everything now- we need to keep the bathroom doors shut! He likes to turn the TV on and off too. Still not a lot of hair, but it's coming along. I think it's blonde-almost white! He's such a cutie pie!

We actually started cloth diapering with him this past month as well. These aren't you mom's cloth diapers! I wish someone would have told me before Jack was born how easy it was, we could have saved thousands of dollars and tons of space in a landfill. It's going really well-we use wash cloths for wipes which I LOVE. It gets him cleaner and doesn't leave a residue on his bum! It's going good so far, so I hope this keeps up!

Alex is sick right now. Same cough and runny nose that's been floating around this house all winter. Do they make a bleach-bomb? Ahhh!

His favorite thing to do right now is to play the wii. We limit his time in front of it and he doesn't play every day (although he asks to). If he's like this now, I don't want to know what he's going to be like in ten years!

The weather here so far this month has been nice. Temps in the 50's and 60's, but breezy. We (Chad) got our play set that we had at the old house set up so the kids have been swinging and sliding and having fun! They have their ride-ons (battery powered Gator and 4-wheeler) out but the batteries are running out. They are only a few years old, but they aren't working anymore. That makes me angry because they are NOT cheap. They don't make things like they use to, I guess :)

Chad and I are busy as ever with kids, work, farm, house and I don't see it slowing down any time soon heading into summer. Time flies!

OK, so I was going to post some pictures, but my computer won't let me. I'll try to figure it out and look for them soon.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

joke of the day

What goes "clip clop clop clip clop BANG clip clop clip clop clip clop?"

An amish drive by shooting!

*tee hee*

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Joke or genius? You tell me.

One question-what do you do with it after you use it when you're, say, peeing in an alley? Pop it back into your purse? Shove it in your pocket? *shudder*

trying something...

...and it's not working, as usual. I have to be the most computer illiterate person on the planet. I know what I want to do, but can't do it. I got a neat camcorder-type thing (kinda like a flip) but haven't used it except for Alex's surgery. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!!! How do I upload the video? Where? How do I upload to YouTube so I can post on here? I'm soooooo frustrated that I can't figure it out.

I'm also trying to put a new header on here, but don't know how to re-size the pic. so it will all fit without the ugly, annoying purple on the side or the picture running off the screen. Seriously, I need a computer class.

Rant over.

I can't wait for spring! The boys so need to get out and run and play. Alex has become one with the wii and asks me every day when he gets up if he can play. He'd play that thing all day long if I let him (which I don't). Jack plays, too but not as much. He's more into his Lego's right now. If anyone out there has a good idea for storing Lego pieces, I'm all ears. All of them in one big bin isn't cutting it.

We all seem to have a bit of a cold going on over here. Jack and Chad are better, but Alex and Ben have really bad coughs and snot. I'm full of junk in the head too, but hopefully on the mend. Summer, how I miss you so!

We have a bit of a full rest of the week planned... Chad works his last night of a 10 in a row 12-hour day tonight. Thursday we are heading to Dodgeville for a sale on skid steer tires and baler twine (yeeee-haaaawwww). Friday I believe there is some manure hauling for the morning and we will be taking the older boys to the Monster Truck Show at the La Crosse Center (again, yeeee-haaawww). Saturday night Chad's boss is taking out the whole group and spouses to dinner. The last supper? No one knows! Sunday is open so far, but I'm sure we'll throw in a shopping trip to La Crosse or something like that. Might not sound like a lot to you guys, but here in hickville that sure is a busy week to us! Oh, Lori-how far are you away from an Ikea? I want to go soooo bad! That just tells 'ya how isolated we are from the 'real world'! I think there might be one in the Chicago area and/or the cities.

Anyway, I hear Ben coughing himself awake, so better go see how he's doing. Happy Wednesday everybody!