Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We saw a rainbow the other night. We could see both ends. For some reason I posted them backwards, but you get the picture.

Lots of random pictures today. The one with Jack in it he wanted me to take so Nana and Papa Dave could see his house that he built all by himself. He was very proud.
Alex got into the markers and apparently didn't think we'd notice.
I was weeding the rhubarb and broke my nail waaaay down past where a nail should never break so it hurts a little to type but I will press on since it's been almost a month with no update :)
Well, it's official. I am officially a farmer now! We had pull a calf the other night and she was really swollen inside and Chad was having a hard time trying to get her out. So me being the good wife I am, rolled up my sleeves and got elbow-deep up in that! I only gagged twice when the pre-born calf poop was coming out with all the other slime. I told Chad I didn't want to ruin my sweatshirt (I wasn't properly dressed-didn't think I'd be reaching into a cows uterus that evening) and he said he'd buy me a new one. After a half-hour struggle, a little (big, rather) heifer calf was born. Now we have to think of a name for her!
I also had my rummage sale this weekend. Made a little over $450. Not too bad, but I still have a TON of clothes left. Almost all of my 0-3 month and 3-6 month. One lady bought almost all of my 6-9 summer clothes but i still have waaaay to much left. I'm kinda bummed about that. Maybe I'll have to have another one or sell them by the box on-line. We'll see.
I think that's all for now. Not much happens around here. That's probably a good thing.
ETA: Ok, seriously--this is why I don't do this very often. I spaced this out and set up the post nice and it just blobs it all together even after I "fix it". AHAHHHHHH!!!


Lori said...

You win wife of the year, hands down. Or {reluctant} farmer of the year. You rock!!!

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

What a nice house - Good Job. I'm very proud of you.
Hey Alex, did you use the marker by yourself or did Jack help put those dots on you?
Ben, you are too young for glasses - still cute.