Saturday, July 17, 2010

before and after

He finally agreed to a hair cut the other night, probably mostly because his dad and brother were getting one. OMG! he looks like a little man now and also a lot like Jack. I know it's a little hard to see his after shot with the green jacket hanging in the background, but let me tell you he looks super cute!
There was quite the aftermath of the storm the other night. The 'wind' (I almost wonder if it wasn't something a little more powerful) took a huge limb out of our birch tree in the back yard an blew down/up-rooted 5 trees out in the pasture. Some cows got out into the corn field, but Chad got them all back in and we did a little cleaning up and fencing, but there is still a lot of trees to clean up. Know anyone that wants some really nice hickory? It seems like if you get one good, easy day on the farm, you're punished with 4 bad ones. No one was hurt and we didn't lose any animals, so I guess it wasn't all that bad.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

hot and stormy

Holy heat wave, Batman! It was soooo hot here today. Like when you step outside and it feels like someone kicked you in the face and your glasses fog up when you step out of the air conditioning and you can literally drink the air around you. Yuck. Of course we had t-ball, weeding and beans to pick today. You can almost feel the skin cancer forming.

Shifting gears...

We had some major storms happening tonight. We lost a huge chunk of one of the birch trees in the back yard and the oats that the hubs wanted to cut tomorrow (if it didn't rain) are flat as a pancake. Crap. It's like the universe is out to sabotage his hay. Maybe next year!

Chad finally got a grain truck. He's been looking for something for a long time and pickings are pretty slim in our price range for something halfways decent, but he got a good deal on a quad-axle dump truck at an auction on Tues. Now all he has to do is learn how to drive it!

The boys are rambunctious as ever. Benny is walking now. He's been taking a few steps for a few weeks now but just lately has really taken off. He is growing so fast. I miss my itty bitty baby, but I am happy to be done with that stage now. I just sold $180 of baby stuff tonight and it feels good to be moving on to the next chapter.

Jack is doing great with t-ball and soccer. I LOVE watching him play soccer. He's pretty good! He runs the whole time and gets right in there to dig the ball out! He is so awesome. Tonight we were leaving Grama H's house and he told her to let him know if she needs any weeding done because "I'm kind of a good weeder." He loves to get right in there and help me weed the flowers and the garden. He's a good green bean picker, too.

Alex has the curliest hair on the planet right now. It's been over 5 months since his last hair cut and he refuses to let me touch his curls. He has to get that from his father. It is so cute and it's not a fight I want to pick, so curls it is. Love my boys. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!!!