Saturday, July 17, 2010

before and after

He finally agreed to a hair cut the other night, probably mostly because his dad and brother were getting one. OMG! he looks like a little man now and also a lot like Jack. I know it's a little hard to see his after shot with the green jacket hanging in the background, but let me tell you he looks super cute!
There was quite the aftermath of the storm the other night. The 'wind' (I almost wonder if it wasn't something a little more powerful) took a huge limb out of our birch tree in the back yard an blew down/up-rooted 5 trees out in the pasture. Some cows got out into the corn field, but Chad got them all back in and we did a little cleaning up and fencing, but there is still a lot of trees to clean up. Know anyone that wants some really nice hickory? It seems like if you get one good, easy day on the farm, you're punished with 4 bad ones. No one was hurt and we didn't lose any animals, so I guess it wasn't all that bad.

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