Friday, January 28, 2011

this and that

Jack has lost his front bottom two teeth. I can't believe he is so big already!

Ben wasn't feeling so well a few weeks ago so we took him in to the doctor and it turns out he had RSV. Not so good. They hooked us up with a nebulizer and we did treatments several times a day. Some days he sat still and did great--others he screamed the whole time. I do not envy the people that have to give their kids treatments all the time. That was no fun. He is much better now so at least it worked.



The power went out for several hours one cold December night so we made the best of it and lit some candles and Chad and Ben read a lovely tractor publication by headlamp.


The best picture I got of all three boys in their holiday jammies.

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The older two boys and my dad went ice fishing a few weeks ago and Jack caught the biggest fish. They weren't gone very long and I wondered why they were back so early. Turns out Alex fell or stepped into the hole up to his knee so they had to come home. They both did have a good time and can't wait to go again.

On a more serious note, my Grandma Myrt fell and broke her shoulder and hip today. I spent all afternoon with dad at the local hospital to see when she will go into surgery. The doctor won't end up seeing her until tomorrow so no news yet on that. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. With that, the kids and Chad working I will try to keep up with the blog like I said, but you might have to bear with me!

1 comment:

Lori :-) said...

Prayers for your grandma!

Love the pics, so glad you posted them. As for families who do treatments every day...the kids get used to them and while they're a pain, they really do work. And in your case, if little Benny cried the whole time, he actually took in MORE of the meds, so despite the annoyance, he was actually doing what his little body needed. (Glad he's recovered, by the way...RSV is scary!!) Anna uses her time doing treatments to play on the computer, so at this point, she barely realizes she's doing something she doesn't want to do.