Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My cousin Lori's blog is something I visit daily and I've been pleasantly surprised she has been blogging much more frequently which is so nice. I love to read something new even though it might be about people and places I don't know, I enjoy having a tiny peek into her life being soooo far away!

That frequency has inspired me to get back to my blog, which I know I have been neglecting. The kids don't really like it when I'm on the computer and I haven't taken or uploaded many pictures lately (can't find my cord) but I will try or at least give you this post today!

Not much happens around here to be very blog-worthy, but there have been a few changes in the past weeks/months...

Alex turned 4. We had a nice family birthday party for him and he got a lot of really nice gifts. He is my snuggler, my TV watching buddy, my game lover (both board and video) and my lady loving boy. I told Jack that this fall when Alex starts Preschool he will have to help him get adjusted and sit with him on the bus. Alex said, "No, I don't need to sit with Jack. I'm going to sit with the ladies!" We are really going to have to keep an eye on that boy!

Christmas came and went. We had a lot of good food and good times visiting with family on all sides. We took a trip to Milwaukee which everyone enjoyed. We found out that I'm going to be an Auntie!!! Super exciting news!! Too bad we don't live closer :(

With the potential sale of Best (Chad's old job) in perpetual limbo, a job opportunity presented itself to Chad at his old old place of business (Cummins) and we really had no choice but for him to take it. Not the ideal situation AT ALL. But at least it pays more than unemployment and we are still crossing our fingers that Best gets sold and starts back up. At the start of his third week we find out that Cummins has been sold. All righty then. They say it will stay in production so it reall doesn't mean anything for us. At most I think the shifts might change, but as long as he has a job, that's the main thing.

I've been on a weight loss kick since before Christmas and am doing quite well. My brother in law took some really unflattering pictures of me with my camera while cleaning up at Thanksgiving time and I really didn't like the way I looked. I haven't liked the way I've looked for a while, but I just get mad and eat more. Such a brilliant idea. So, we've got a treadmill down in the basement and I got back on the thing. The only thing that isn't so great are my knees at times, but it's getting better. I also got Zumba Fitness for the Wii and that's really fun. I'm watching what I eat--not dieting but just paying attention to portion size and what's in certain foods (Mac & Cheese is the devil!). I've lost almost 10 pounds! Now I can't wait for spring and summer when we can all get back outside.

Jack has lost his two bottom front teeth! They were loose forever and he came home from school one day with his tooth missing. Then just a few days later he fell at recess (not hard at all) and the other one fell out. He is getting so big! He turns 6 next week and I cannot believe it! He loves art and creating things. We put a desk in his room for him and he loves it. His so smart and is starting to read and sound out words to write. He is not a snuggler and when I say, "Love you" he says "yep". Oh well, I know it's there somewhere.

Ben is growing too fast as well. He just starting saying 'no' this week. Super. If you ask him anything his answer is always no so he hasn't totally grasped the meaning yet. He has a few other words too but not many. I'm totally not worried--there are enough talkers in this house right now. When he gets mad he pounds his fist on the floor. He loves to dance to just about any kind of music. He has all his teeth now and loves to smile big so you can see them. We are entering him in a local photo contest for Syttende Mai (gotta be a little Norwegian to figure that one out!) We get his photos taken next Friday and I really hope they turn out.

Sorry no photos but hopefully some when I find my cord!!


Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

Nice blog and if you need it, I have an extra cord. I can put in the mail today - I want pictures!

Lori said...

I want pictures, too! But I'm super happy to see a new post regardless. Keep it up! :-)

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

Inspired? I want a new blog, more info about the grand kids, what does Jack want for his birthday?

Info please