Monday, February 21, 2011

holy crap, I'm 30!

Yes, it's true--I am finally 30. Ugghh! So far 30 feels like crap since I've had a cold since last Monday and it just won't go away.

My actual birthday was uneventful. Chad had to work that night and Jack had off school so I spent the day trying to keep the kids quiet so Chad could sleep, dishes, laundry. The norm. My dad took the older two boys to look for shed antlers for a few hours so that was a nice break. I had a lot of Happy Birthday phone calls and of course the customary Happy Birthday song from Gram and Gramp. Loved it! Gram asked if I had a cake. Nope. She asked if someone was cooking me a nice dinner. Nope. Chad suggested pizza so after we signed our tax return we stopped and picked up our over baked cheese pizza. Yum!

Saturday Chad and I got to spend the day shopping like I wanted. My mom and Dave came over to watch the kiddos for us. We picked up some stuff and had a good day. One of our neighbors and friends is in the hospital with a pretty serious disease so we visited him for a while.

We were still full from lunch so we scrapped the nice sit-down dinner (it really would have been a waste--we weren't hungry at all) and stopped at Taco Bell on our way out of town. Nothing but the best for us!! We were supposed to be meeting a couple of friends of ours for drinks so I knew I needed to eat something.

We stopped to get gas once we got back into town and Chad called Chris (one of the friends we were meeting) and told him we were at the gas station and would be there soon. Thought that was a little strange since that was some super short notice to meet us. We parked next to our old neighbors car (another hint) and Chad wouldn't let me pee before walking into the bar. SURPRISE!!! Bar full of people I know!! That was very sweet of him for planning that! He's lucky I was actually feeling better that day because the day before I wouldn't have gone I felt so bad.

I ended up having a great time. I got to see a few of my good friends from high school that I was hoping would be there. My parents were there, step parents were there, my kids were there, Chad's aunt and uncle were there, his sister and cousins were there and more friends that we both have were there. It turned out to be a super fun night and I still have no voice left!!

Here's to being 30, flirty, and fabulous!!! (Gold star for anyone who knows where that is from)

1 comment:

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

Here's to being 30, flirty, and fabulous is a blog group! I checked it out on the web!