Thursday, May 5, 2011

Benny Boo is turing 2!

Not only is it Cinco De Mayo today (tip it!), it is also Mr. Benjamin's 2nd Birthday! We didn't do anything special, just another crazy day. We took a tank of gas down to Gram and Gramp's and they sung to Ben. He didn't quite enjoy it as much as I did but he did get an Oreo :)

We (Chad) helped our brother-in-law with a granite table top and then went out to lunch at DQ. Naps for the boys while I finished the last of the pom poms because I just wanted them done! Cleaned up a bit and Jack came home from school with a few Mothers Day gifts. I'll take a photo later of what he made me. It was perfect!

The rest of the night went as it usually does--play outside (with winter coats and stocking caps. IN. MAY.) dinner and bed. I had a lot more on my list to get done today and it doesn't look like it's going to get done tomorrow either. Aaaaggghhhhh! I need to clone my husband. He is in high demand around these parts. Dave, if you are reading this, I might need a lot of help Saturday! :)

So anyway, Happy Birthday Benny, my beautiful blond little boy. You were born in the water and were my easiest (all natural) labor and delivery by far. That seems to translate into your everyday life. You love the water and are my easiest child right now. It's been a very fast 2 years. Lets slow it down a bit!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

inspired by Lori

Just recently, my cousin Lori had a post on her blog about these cute tissue paper pom poms she made for a wedding. We have Benny's Birthday coming up so I thought what a perfect opportunity to try them! I believe they originated from Martha Stewart but there are a bazillion how-to's on the Internet so I Googled me up one of those and ta da!


They aren't perfect but it's all about good enough for who/what it's for around here. I had a minor setback when it came to the selection of tissue paper in our armpit of a town. WalMart only had blue, red, and green so I had to go to Walgreens for yellow and orange. EXCEPT they were .50 more expensive and had 4 fewer sheets per pack. Seriously. Armpit. Of. A. Town.

Anyway, I have a few more to do but am waiting to do them when mom gets here so she can help ;) I have gotten quite a bit accomplished already for the party including mowing the lawn this morning. It is starting to look like summer now with the fresh-cut lawn. Notice how I said "look" and not "feel". We had flurries yesterday morning. FLURRIES! IN MAY! I really do believe that Wisconsin is the only state where you fully get to experience all four seasons. You just don't know in what order you will get them.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

tiny slice of happy

I have finally ordered a new laptop and should be arriving early next week. Hooray! I am so excited to get caught up on the Shaytards, you have no idea!

Ben turns 2 on the fifth and we are having his Birthday party on Sunday (which is also Mothers Day) so I have to kick it into high gear around here to get the place ready. No sense doing major cleaning until the day or two before because with these three Tasmanian devils nothing stays clean and neat for long. Mom and Dave are coming on Saturday so hopefully she can make the long ride with little discomfort. Cross fingers!

We are calving like crazy here now. Just yesterday we had 6. Chad is still up doing chores and checking on the cows so we will see when he comes down how many more (if any) we have today. The boys are getting quite the lessons being around the cows. There was afterbirth laying on the ground and they wondered what it was. So we explained about the placenta and the sac that the baby grew in. Luckily that's as far as their curiosity went, but Jack did tell his teacher about the cow placenta and they discussed as a class all about it! We were very surprised we did not receive a phone call from his teacher.

I gave Ben a hair cut and I think it is a smidge too short, but he still looks handsome. What do you think?