Wednesday, May 4, 2011

inspired by Lori

Just recently, my cousin Lori had a post on her blog about these cute tissue paper pom poms she made for a wedding. We have Benny's Birthday coming up so I thought what a perfect opportunity to try them! I believe they originated from Martha Stewart but there are a bazillion how-to's on the Internet so I Googled me up one of those and ta da!


They aren't perfect but it's all about good enough for who/what it's for around here. I had a minor setback when it came to the selection of tissue paper in our armpit of a town. WalMart only had blue, red, and green so I had to go to Walgreens for yellow and orange. EXCEPT they were .50 more expensive and had 4 fewer sheets per pack. Seriously. Armpit. Of. A. Town.

Anyway, I have a few more to do but am waiting to do them when mom gets here so she can help ;) I have gotten quite a bit accomplished already for the party including mowing the lawn this morning. It is starting to look like summer now with the fresh-cut lawn. Notice how I said "look" and not "feel". We had flurries yesterday morning. FLURRIES! IN MAY! I really do believe that Wisconsin is the only state where you fully get to experience all four seasons. You just don't know in what order you will get them.
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1 comment:

Lori said...

I love them. LOVE THEM. Love the colors and love that they aren't specifically "girly"!!!

It's going to be 100 degrees here today...