Friday, July 8, 2011


I know I have tons of pictures and loads of 4th of July stuff to blog but I guess I'll do this one first.

Jack may have asthma.

I took him to the Dr. after two weeks of a cough that hasn't gotten any better. The last straw was yesterday after riding his bike he had a pretty bad coughing fit. So we went in.

We saw a nurse praticinor and she said it wasn't an official asthma diagnosis but she prescribed Singular for everyday and an albuterol inhaler for before physical exertion and flare ups. We go see a Doc in a month for a follow-up and see what he says.

This kind of sucks! She did say it might be mild and he may outgrow it but still, he could have an attack and scare the sh*t out of me! He has never had a full-blown attack, just the coughing fits and a lot of coughing at night.

I know it's not the end of the world and he will be fine and he may get over it and he can still do everything he has done before, but still. I don't like to see any of my kids have something potentially wrong with them. I guess we will see in a month if the meds are helping and we all can breathe a little easier.

1 comment:

Taylor Hale[crazy girl!] said...

As a mom of two kids with asthma, I want to know that those coughing fits are "full blown attacks". And I also want you to know that it's not the end of the world. :-) My kids have the same kind of asthma...coughing rather than the gasping for air...and manage to live normal lives. They just take some meds every day.

The diagnosis sucks but like everything else, you'll adjust. Plus, you have the benefit of being an amazing mom, so cut yourself some slack!
