Wednesday, November 9, 2011

randomness and snow

Here are some pictures from practice last Saturday. Keep in mind, I'm on the other side of the glass, hence the cruddy quality.

He's getting better every time! 

The other day Ben was super tired (don't thing he got a nap) and not even a chip could keep him awake. He was falling asleep mid-bite =)

Today it snowed. I guess I should be happy it waited until November for our first measurable snowfall, but I'm not. It was pretty to see the snow, but I'm just not ready.

Chad had to take a couple of steers to be butchered and of course it had to be today. He made it there okay and almost made it home but as he was slowing to turn into our barn driveway the truck wanted to veer towards a post. He kept going straight and drove over to the grain bin to check on it (we combined our corn last Sun./Mon. and now we have the burner on to dry it). When he came back, cattle trailer still in tow, he slowed to make the turn again but this time slid in the ditch. So with a little help from our tractor, tow chain, and a helpful neighbor we (they) got the truck out of the ditch. All this hassle with the snow which will be gone tomorrow. That's Wisconsin for ya.

The two biggest trees we have (30+ years old) still have almost all their leaves so when we got this heavy, wet snow the limbs were touching the ground. Luckily we only lost one small branch from the tree in the back.  The weather looks good for the rest of the week which is good because we still have potatoes to dig!

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