Sunday, December 11, 2011

alex is 5!

Big Al is now 5 years old. I can't believe it, although he's looked like a 5 year old for probably 2 years =)  A few things about Alex right now:
  • He is in Learn to Play Hockey (after 6 weeks of Learn to Skate) and LOVES IT! We got him a hockey stick and are supposed to cut it off right to the players nose without skates on but we left his in tact so he can use it for more than one year. He is so tall!
  • Alex is off the charts in height and weight and what I assume, head circumference. 48" tall and 63 lbs.
  • He is really liking school. He goes 2 full days a week which is different from what Jack did.  He is sure pooped after his school days. He rides the big bus to school with his brother and it's so weird to see the two of them at the end of the driveway!  From the house, they look like twins.
  • He is in love with video games. Loves his DS and Wii. We are trying to limit his usage but he'd play them all day if you'd let him.
  • He always says I love you. He's the only one of my kids who does that. I guess Ben says is it every once and a while too.
  • He gives great hugs and loves to cuddle.
  • He's a talker like his mother. Comes by it honest.
  • He is my fearless boy, willing to make new friends wherever he goes. Willing to try anything and quite the ladies man. Still lovin' the ladies.
 Since Mom and Dave couldn't make his party, they came up the weekend after and we all went bowling.

Now, I feel like I need to explain some things. First, this was my first attempt and Windows Movie Maker and as you can see I'm still figuring things out. I really should delete this video and try to edit it again but I'm too lazy.

Second, the lanes really were that non-slippery. They weren't sticky per se but you couldn't slide at all. Even watch the people who bowled next to us hopping because they couldn't slide. Just had to put that out there.

Now that I can upload and (somewhat) edit videos, I hope to keep putting more up.

Here are some pictures from his party the weekend before...

 My Grandma played the accordion. All the kids just sat quietly and watched. Even my brother in law said it is a lost art =)

DQ cake, of course.

I know, flash photos are horrible but there is no natural light in this house! I wouldn't have gotten a single usable shot if I didn't have my flash.

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