Monday, January 9, 2012

life for us right now

What you see here was a 55" led TV until our "rambunctious" son Alex hit it (accidentally) with a toy. Owned for less than a year, now garbage.  There was punishment haded out and remorse shown. We will not be getting a new TV since it took us over a year to save for this one and we are currently finishing the basement. 

Things with the boys haven't been good around here for a while and it was time for a change for them as well as me.  We had a talk and went over some new house rules.  I am changing the way I behave/react and am hoping that in turn will change some of the boys behaviors too.  So far it has been going very well. The boys have found other things to do since they have no TV in the living room (they can still watch in our bedroom or kitchen).  I have been spending a lot less time on the computer and more time with them.  They have been acting a lot better towards each other which has been so nice.  I'm working on chore charts for the older two to learn some responsibility and maybe earn a little money. I'm also working on a bored jar. Whenever one of them says "I'm bored", they take a slip of paper from the jar and has to complete the task it says. I have some ideas written down, but if anyone has more ideas please let me know!

On to lesser depressing topics!

One idea I found on pinterest was to put all the childrens cups, plates, bowls ect. down low so they can be more self sufficiant. This was the only cabinet I could sacrifice. These "drawers" are old and not supported the best so you can't put too much on them anyway or they won't pull out which makes them great for this kid stuff. It's mostly plastic so it weighs next to nothing and the drawers slide in and out nicely.

I had some random boxes and cans on there that I really never used so I moved them to the pantry and now all the kid supplies down here. It's kind of a duh! why didn't I do that years ago moment, but glad I did it now. The sippys and cups and bowls are in small containers so they don't tip over when the drawer is pulled in and out.  The two small white crates in the back left are super handy. I had more but I can't find them. Extra lids, straws, throw away bowls and other misculanious stuff are in there. This project promted me to re-arange a few other cabinets and am very happy with the results!

Another find that I must share is the reusable dryer sheet. Just soak a small towel (I used a wash cloth) in liquid fabric softener. Let dry and throw it in with your laundry in the dryer. They say it should last about 40 loads. I just started using it so I can't say how long it will last, but I'm loving it so far. Everthing comes out smelling so good and static free! Gotta love it!!

Switching gears was a pretty good day. We were able to buy some stuff over the phone at Menards to cash in on their 11% rebate on everything in the store for the basement. Saved some money and didn't have to wase a day driving there to get it since we are going up there on Wednesday. Made lunch while the boys all built linkin log cabins together. Made a double batch of the best chocolate chip cookies. I had some filling left over from some treats I took to our nieces birthday party yesterday, so we made cookie sandwiches. Not exactly like Mrs. Fields, but close enough!

Chad was done with chores and replaced the service door on our garage while the boys and I went on a walk/bike ride. Jack and I walked, Ben was in the stroller and Alex rode his bike. Jack and I picked up trash like we always do. It's something I started when we moved out here. It keeps them from getting bored on our walks and it keeps our road looking nice. Win-win! Except it's pretty obvious that someone who drinks Keystone Light does a lot of road drinking out our ridge. Not pleased about that since I believe it is one of our neighbors.

Ben fell asleep on the walk so when we got back home me and the older boys played frisbie in the back yard while Ben slept in the stroller in the garage. He was keeping Chad company with his door instillation. I went inside after a bit but the boys stayed outside playing in the sandbox, riding bikes and scooters. It almost sounds more like an afternoon in July rather than in January. I'll take it as long as we don't get snow in July =)

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