Thursday, April 17, 2008

i'm baaaack!

Hello again. I guess blogging is like excersize-once you get out of the groove, it's hard to get back into it! Well, it looks like it's finally spring. The boys have been playing outside a lot lately. Jack actually got a sunburn yesterday. He helped me clean up the yard and get my plants back in order. I love to spend all day outside. One downside is my indoor house cleaning doesn't get done, but what else is new.

Jack has been doing a little better in swimming lessons. Last week he did really well. This week was ok. Once these lessons are done, we're not waisting anymore time or money until he is ready to listen and participate. Maybe when he's 20 :)

Alex is cutting 4-8 teeth right now. Four on top for sure, 2 on the bottom and possibly the bottom molars as well. He's actually doing quite well with it all. It's been 3-4 weeks since it started and they are not close to being through yet. We got a ways to go. Jack just went to the dentist and has two cavities :( The dentist also said he can already tell he will have crowding issues by the bone growth yadda, yadda, yadda....start saving for braces is all I heard. Chad just went for his cleaning too, and was told (again) that he needs his wisdom teeth out. I really want him to get them out otherwise he could get infection. It might be an expensive year for teeth!

Since it's been so nice out and Jack got a new umbrella for his picnic table, he wanted to eat his lunch el fresco (is that even how to spell that?)

Alex has learned to pull one of the small chairs over to the table and climb up on it. Nothing is safe anymore! He's getting too big, too fast!
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