Monday, September 8, 2008


Both the boys have a small cold. Mainly just runny noses, but a pain non the less. I might be getting something as well, but it's hard to tell since I feel like crap most days anyway.

The day is so overcast and blah. Not very motivating. We were going to go to Gram and Gramps, but with the colds I thought we'd better not. Maybe later on this week after we go to the fair. Chad's got one day off during the fair, so the boys will get to go one day at least. We'll see if I am crazy enough to take them by myself later.

Alex doesn't like to ride in the stroller very much anymore so I totally see where that would go. He runs away from me at the store and I told Chad I'm seriously thinking about getting one of those harnesses for kids. I've always looked at those and thought, "No WAY!!" Now, I look at them and think, "Which one do I want? The puppy or the monkey?"

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