Saturday, February 14, 2009

good thing i make 'em tough

So yesterday Jack decided to give us all a scare. He was messing around in the living room and threw himself backwards and hit the back of his head on the floor. Really, REALLY hard. He started to cry and then proceeded to pass out. Great. He came to within seconds and continued to cry. He is fine--never threw up and we didn't let him sleep (even though he didn't want to). No one can scare the crap out of you like your kids hurting themselves.

This comes on the heals of Alex splitting his forehead open and me needing to take him in and get that glued up. That's a little scary when your kid comes up the stairs with blood all over his face. That kind of crap ages you about 10 years right there. Thought he needed stitches but glue and steri-strips did the job (which he proceeded to peel off two days later). Here's a shot of the wound as it's healing

That's going to be one heck of a scar. Chicks dig scars, right?


Auntie Rae said...

YIKES - well, at least you didn't run to 911 like some people...! Guess it helps to be an experienced mom, but I sure can't afford to age 10 years at a crack!!

Smoochies on all the owies, and kiss the new little pooper too! Luv you all

Anonymous said...

chicks totally dig scars...