Wednesday, February 11, 2009

28 weeks

I have been waiting for weeks for Chad to help take pictures of my belly and I forget and he's not home so I decided to take matters into my own hands. These shots are not great and a little fuzzy (Lori, I need help using my camera!) but it's what I got.

This is pretty much my 'uniform'--sweatshirt and lounge pants. Every day. I guess I don't have to worry every day if I have something nice that's clean and fits to go to a job, but I would really not like to look like crap all the time.

I've been feeling pretty good. A lot of Braxtin Hicks contractions this time around which my midwife said is normal. Probably because I'm running after two very active little boys all day. I try to rest when they nap and I'm trying to drink more water but it's just so lacking taste!

This little bug is really getting strong. I can feel when he gets hiccups and he seems to be a night owl at the moment. Breathing is becoming more difficult, which is surprising because he is soooo low. Only 12 weeks to go!

Lovely double chin I'm sporting, isn't it?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the braxton hicks run in the family. I had them with all three kids...ALL THE TIME. Like, Lori, you can't keep working that stressful job if you keep having 6 or 7 an hour, to which I replied, "You think I'm stressed now...Imagine me with no money!"

Hang in...light is at the end of the tunnel...not only will you get to see that little boy soon, but you'll get to see me, too! :-)