Thursday, July 30, 2009

we're moving!

Oh boy, it's crazy around here! We had another showing last Friday (I have no idea how it went, so don't ask) so I spent all afternoon Thursday getting the house in order. That was ok though since we had Ben's baptism on Sunday so all the cleaning was done days early!

The baptism was great. The weather was beautiful, we had a house full of family and friends, Ben did awesome during the baptism and even smiled when Pastor Kathy put the water on his head :) I'll have pics later.

I have started packing now. The move is imminent. Sharon closed on the house today, painters are coming tomorrow, carpet on Tuesday, packing this weekend and movers possibly coming Thurs. or Friday. She should be all moved shortly and we will get in and paint, get new carpet and move all our stuff. I'm excited but a little sad to leave 'my' house. I've lived here for 21 years. It's all good. The farm is where we all want to be.

I know my posts have been few and far between, but now I'll actually have a reason. I'm not sure if we'll have internet right away when we move (or television or phone) so when we get settled, I'll be sure to get on here and let y'all know!

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