Tuesday, November 24, 2009

happy birthday alex!

Chad's mini-me is 3 years old today! I can't believe it was only three years ago we were hauling some major ass to La Crosse at 11pm with contractions 3 minutes apart thinking we might not make it. We did and everything was fine and at 4 something in the morning after just 3 or 4 pushes, Alex John was born. It feels like yesterday, but it also feels like he's been here forever!

The whole fam went to La Crosse today and took the boys to the Children's Museum to play and do something special for his birthday. They had a great time and Jack loved the the fire truck. Alex found some girls to flirt with, naturally :) They both had a great time and it was nice to let them go nuts! Jack walked up to the fire truck and there are a bunch of levers and knobs and things on the outside and he asked if he could touch it. I told him he could touch anything he wanted and he was like, really? It feels so nice to be able to say that and know that they will have so much fun and not break anything!

I haven't blogged since Halloween, so I'll give a quick recap. Both Jack and Alex went as Spiderman and Ben was a little monkey, which no one could really see because he was in my Moby the whole time we were trick-or-treating.

The boys got waaaay too much candy, but they had fun. Last year I think it was in the 70's, which is totally ridiculous for Wis. in October. This year it was a lot colder and sooooo windy but at least it wasn't raining (or snowing).

We have an accepted offer on our house!!!! It wasn't nearly what we wanted, but realistically it was a decent offer and we took it. We are supposed to close December 11, so cross your fingers that everything will go like it's supposed to.

Ben is doing great. Growing like a weed. We had his 6 month check up and he is 17 and a half pounds. Nice solid boy. Still not a lot of hair and no teeth yet, but eats a ton! He can eat a whole banana for breakfast. He rolls all over and actually likes being on his tummy some. He can sit unassisted for a short while, but I need to be close 'cause he will tip over. He loves bath time and can sit (or lay) for an easy 20 min. just splashing around. The last couple of nights he's put himself to sleep after I lay him down awake in his crib. I thought I had a couple more months to cuddle him and nurse him to sleep, but I don't know now :( I'll blink and he'll be asking for the keys to take his girlfriend out on a date. Ahhhhhhh!!! I don't even want to think about it!


Lori said...

I love your boys. So freakin' CUTE!

Auntie Pam said...

Congrats on your house selling!!! WOW, that is a load off your mind. Love the pics of the boys. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!