Tuesday, August 30, 2011

before and after

I cut Alex's and Jack's hair the other day and I just have to share. Here is Alex before:

and after:

Holy twins! I now realize I needed to take a picture of both of them for all of you to get the full effect of the twiness. When he turned away from me and ran to the sandbox I almost cried! He looks totally different and way older (and his head looks even more massive, if that's even possible). Part of me wishes I would have waited until after school starts so everyone could see the transformation.

Speaking of school starting, we had the boys' back-to-school night tonight. They both met their teachers: Alex has the same teacher Jack had in Pre-K and Jack has the same teacher he had last year (she moved from Kindergarten to 1st grade) so it went really smooth.

Alex fit right in and went to the rug to play with all the kids. No holding back with him. Jack got to put all his supplies in his very own desk and seemed okay with his room. He is sitting next to a boy who he really doesn't like who has some sort of sensory disorder/issue thing. He is a very naughty boy and stabbed Jack with scissors last year but I think it's what ever he has that makes him that way. Not ADD/ADHD but he's got something where they brush him with different textures throughout the day to help him deal. I'm trying to explain this to Jack so he has a little compassion for him, not just annoyance. It's hard to explain to a kid that not everyone is as "perfect" as he is =)Jack's cousin is also in his class so we just hope that will go well and not have to many interruptions. It should be good. School starts Thursday and I can't WAIT!! Alex will only go 2 full days a week but I'm going to make the most of those two days!

We are fully weaned from the binkys!!! Yay! Ben hasn't asked for one for weeks. Alex this weekend found one and stuck it right into Ben's mouth. I had no idea what was going on but my mom was here and quickly got it away from him and both said no binkys. Nothing more was said about it and I am so pumped it went so much better than I thought it would.

We have also really started working with Ben on using the potty. He has been doing really well. I by no means am thinking he will get it overnight at a little over 2 years old but I will take every pee in the potty over another diaper change. He does really well at home in undies and when he has naked time but we need to work on a solution for out and about. I ordered some cloth diaper fabric to make my own trainers out of little undies. We will see how that works out.

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