Thursday, August 18, 2011


I cannot believe it is mid-August already! Time has both flown and crawled this summer. I can't WAIT 'til school starts!!!! We are so sick of hearing "I'm bored". And the thing is, they have plenty to do. That is why it bothers us so bad. Our school starts Sept. 1st here so a few more weeks to go. I've had all their supplys bought for over a month now so we are sooooooo ready!

I was really super horrable at taking pictures this summer. I managed to get a few of Jack at his Park and Rec Golf...

I blurred out their shirts since it says what city we live in. I'm almost 99% sure you all know where we live anyway, but you never know!

I forgot my camera each and every time Alex had Tot-Ball =( I really wanted to get some shots of him since he loved it so much and was actually pretty good for a 4 year old. Also, forgot the camera for swimming lessons, our family reunion (on Chad's side), and for our little day trip to Dyersville to the Farm Toy Museum. Chad said, "Maybe we should get you a big, expensive camera you can bring with you so you can take some pictures. Oh wait, we did." Uhhhhhh!!! What a bummer. At least I have the memories in my head.

One of the four pictures I did manage to take was of Ben sitting nude on the front porch. No idea why he was out there without clothes, but at least he has his hat on!

Hope everyones summer is good for what little is left anyway. I really need to take more pictures. We are building our grain bin this weekend so I am planning on getting some shots of that for sure.
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