Thursday, October 20, 2011

little something

Don't have much to blog about but I have a few photos to share.

Alex has been working on his letter and writing.

Don't ask me what TRON is. He just wanted to practice those certain letters.

I realized I didn't have a picture of all my kids and my grandparents in the same photo, so I snapped a quick pic on our last visit on the farm before the snowbirds flew south.

And for their reward for standing still, they got to do a silly one!

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Alex has is first hockey/learn to skate practice this Saturday. I'm excited to see him out there but have absolutely no idea how to get all his gear on! The other families are really helpful so I'm hoping someone will lend a hand.

Jack has been reading a lot lately. They go to the library everyday at school and he chooses "real" books (non-fiction) usually about animals or trucks and tractors and he reads them to me. He is doing so well. I am so proud of him!

Benny is what I call completely potty trained. Well, he has been having accidents off and on at night so we've been dealing with that. He doesn't like pull-ups so I sometimes put him in a cloth trainer overnight, but they aren't waterproof and aren't meant for overnight so we wash sheets a lot. He's wearing undies that the other boys never fit into because they were so big when they trained. Tiny undies are super cute!!

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