Sunday, December 30, 2007

you make me sick!

Gotta sick kid today. Poor Alex. Wasn't even up for 10 minutes and he spit up. No big deal, gave him a bland breakfast and preceded to see that again. Not so good. He took a good nap this afternoon so I had hope. This evening I found puke in the hallway. No one fessed up to it so I'm guessing it was Alex, just not quite sure when he did it. It's only a matter of time before we're all praying to the porcelain god. Wishing everyone a healthy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Not much new happening here lately. We had the third and final Christmas with Chad's family yesterday. Very nice. His mom always makes (way too much) awesome food, which means I gain 5 pounds just sitting at the table! The boys had a blast with each other. Alex kept wanting to touch Ryan, our newest nephew, who is only 2 months old. It would have been fine if he could understand careful!

We've gotten so much snow lately Chad has been foaming at the mouth to get out and go snowmobiling. He got a newer 2 up for Christmas, so he really wants to get out there and use it. Not so easy when you have 2 kids, we're finding out! He'll probably end up going by himself which is fine I guess. It's more his thing anyway.

Speaking of snow, here's Jack eating a 'stick' (icicle). Can you even remeber the last time you ate one?

Here's our little gansta. I knew the outfit was a little big, but it's really big!
This is the famous 'ohh' face. His brother used to do it too. Too cute!
It's so hard to get a decent smile from this one. He loves to pose and give his famous cheeseball smile. Hmmmm, must get that from Dad!?!
Oh, if you're wondering what the red thing on his lip is, he got bit by the dog today. Not really the dog's fault. Jack tried to take a treat away from Chester. We had a talk and I don't think he'll do it again. It's not a typical day at our house if someone isn't bleeding!
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

some christmas photos...

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Christmas is here!

What a Christmas this has been so far! The trip to Nana and Papa Dave's went very well. We all had tons of fun and saw family we don't get to see very often. We got to meet baby Bella, Dan and Mary's new little one. Boy, is she cute! The boys went nuts with their presents, we had a great meal, and it was a great trip all around. We did manage to leave Jack's bear that he sleeps with every night behind, so he gets to take a little 'overnight' trip through the mail. It sure isn't the same without him (the bear, not Jack!)

We had Christmas with my Dad and Nancy today. That was nice. Good food, good people, good presents. Another wonderful day! We will do Christmas with Chad's fam on Thurs. so more to come.

I will try to post some pictures later. My card in my camera seems to be giving me trouble, so some of my photos were ruined. Kari NOT happy. I might have it figured out, but if not, I will go out tomorrow and buy a new card. AHHHHHH!!! Oh well, if that's the biggest disaster of the week, that's not too bad.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy and healthy holiday season!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Over the hills and through the woods... Nana and Papa Dave's we go! (hopefully) We need to check the weather tomorrow--supposed to be rainy and then turn to snow so cross your fingers that we can make it. Jack is so looking forward to the trip, I hope we don't have to disappoint him.

I'm sitting here trying to remember if I packed everything. We will only be gone 3 days, but you'd think we were moving out. I could pack 20 bags, and it's always the one important thing I forget to bring. Oh well, as long as we have the kids, that's really all we need. No one wants to see us anyway! If only there was a way to Fed Ex children across the state...hmmmm maybe a sideline business?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My boys!
They can't all be good days!

One of the first picts with the new camera. Loving it!
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i'm bloggin'

Can you believe it? This might take a while to figure out, but I'm very excited to get this up and running. FYI: I'm not a good speller, so get used to it! This is going to be a place for family and friends to get the 411 on us and our 'little farmer boys'. I hope to post picts once I figure out how. This will be fun!