Saturday, December 29, 2007


Not much new happening here lately. We had the third and final Christmas with Chad's family yesterday. Very nice. His mom always makes (way too much) awesome food, which means I gain 5 pounds just sitting at the table! The boys had a blast with each other. Alex kept wanting to touch Ryan, our newest nephew, who is only 2 months old. It would have been fine if he could understand careful!

We've gotten so much snow lately Chad has been foaming at the mouth to get out and go snowmobiling. He got a newer 2 up for Christmas, so he really wants to get out there and use it. Not so easy when you have 2 kids, we're finding out! He'll probably end up going by himself which is fine I guess. It's more his thing anyway.

Speaking of snow, here's Jack eating a 'stick' (icicle). Can you even remeber the last time you ate one?

Here's our little gansta. I knew the outfit was a little big, but it's really big!
This is the famous 'ohh' face. His brother used to do it too. Too cute!
It's so hard to get a decent smile from this one. He loves to pose and give his famous cheeseball smile. Hmmmm, must get that from Dad!?!
Oh, if you're wondering what the red thing on his lip is, he got bit by the dog today. Not really the dog's fault. Jack tried to take a treat away from Chester. We had a talk and I don't think he'll do it again. It's not a typical day at our house if someone isn't bleeding!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack,

Papa Dave pulled a "stick" off the garage and ate it too!

Miss you guys.