Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas is here!

What a Christmas this has been so far! The trip to Nana and Papa Dave's went very well. We all had tons of fun and saw family we don't get to see very often. We got to meet baby Bella, Dan and Mary's new little one. Boy, is she cute! The boys went nuts with their presents, we had a great meal, and it was a great trip all around. We did manage to leave Jack's bear that he sleeps with every night behind, so he gets to take a little 'overnight' trip through the mail. It sure isn't the same without him (the bear, not Jack!)

We had Christmas with my Dad and Nancy today. That was nice. Good food, good people, good presents. Another wonderful day! We will do Christmas with Chad's fam on Thurs. so more to come.

I will try to post some pictures later. My card in my camera seems to be giving me trouble, so some of my photos were ruined. Kari NOT happy. I might have it figured out, but if not, I will go out tomorrow and buy a new card. AHHHHHH!!! Oh well, if that's the biggest disaster of the week, that's not too bad.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy and healthy holiday season!

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