Friday, December 21, 2007

Over the hills and through the woods... Nana and Papa Dave's we go! (hopefully) We need to check the weather tomorrow--supposed to be rainy and then turn to snow so cross your fingers that we can make it. Jack is so looking forward to the trip, I hope we don't have to disappoint him.

I'm sitting here trying to remember if I packed everything. We will only be gone 3 days, but you'd think we were moving out. I could pack 20 bags, and it's always the one important thing I forget to bring. Oh well, as long as we have the kids, that's really all we need. No one wants to see us anyway! If only there was a way to Fed Ex children across the state...hmmmm maybe a sideline business?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to Nana and Papa dave's home. You helped to make Christmas very special. Boy is it quiet now!
Papa Dave

Anonymous said...

The bear is on it's way. (A guy always forgets something!)


Anonymous said...

I love your site! Do put more pics up soon - it's so great to see how the boys are growing!! Glad to know that you got home without trouble after the big weekend 'out east' and like you say, if the bear is the worst of it then life is good. We love you much - hugs and smoochies all around! Lisa and Mikey