Thursday, October 30, 2008


I had my first "real" appointment with my midwife on Wednesday and there's a baby in there! Only one, she thinks (but I'm kinda holding on to a tiny bit of hope for twins. Sick, I know.)

Baby sounds good (heartbeat) and I really like the midwife. We (I) decided to go with the midwives this time for a "natural" water birth. We'll see how far we get with that, but since this might be our last baby, I really want to do this. I have the option of changing my mind at any time and can get an epidural so not to worry. Chad can even deliver the baby if everything goes as planned. How cool is that?

We're scheduled for an ultrasound on Alex's Birthday, Nov. 24th. I'm pretty sure we're going to find out the sex again, so stay tuned! Since we switched hospitals, I won't be getting a 4D ultrasound this time :( As long as the baby is healthy, that's all that we need.

I'll try to get on here more and post some great Halloween picts. We have Jack the Spiderman this year and Alex the cow. We're going down town trick-or-treating with Jack's cousins so it should be fun!

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