Wednesday, November 19, 2008

houston, we have movement

I'm sitting here right now after a large glass of apple juice and a granola bar (OK, two granola bars) and the baby is moving! Definitely not gas this time! I have a guess that the placenta is anterior-or in the front of the uterus-like it was with Alex since I haven't felt any movement really so far. The placenta absorbs all the kicks until the baby is large enough to kick right through it!

I have been waiting weeks for this and now all I want to do is drink the whole gallon of AJ. Not a good idea since I would like to sleep in my bed tonight, not on the toilet. So cool! I know I've done this twice before, but each time is special.

This time feels slightly different that the previous two, so there might be hope for a girl? We will see. I just really hope the baby is healthy and that's the main thing. The Internet can be an evil place when you are pregnant. You innocently enough search for baby info and you end up coming across a woman who was pregnant with two sets of identical twins at the same time (4 babies) and went into pre-term labor and lost all four babies. Great. I feel so much better. Ahhhh!! Makes my petty yearning for a girl seem pretty stupid. Healthy baby, healthy baby, healthy baby.

It's all good. No worries. I'm freaked out enough thinking about natural child birth and if Chad is going to be strong enough to get me through this. He's never yelled at me before in the almost 12 years we've been together and I have a very, very strong feeling he's going to have to get in my face and bring me back from the brink. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he'll find his calling as a doula!

I highly doubt it!

This kid loves to dance! He/she will fit right in. I should really figure out how to load video on here because you would all pee your pants if you could see Alex and his moves! He's definitely a white boy and is totally our kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad things are progressing! Stay off those weird message boards and you'll be just fine. :-) Can't wait to meet your newest family member next spring!!!!