Thursday, January 14, 2010

alex and his happy medicine

Hopefully this worked--I'm trying to figure out how to upload video from my sd card to my computer and edit and post the video. Pretty sure I'm doing something wrong or there has to be a better way, I just don't know what that is yet.

This is a video of Alex after his "happy medicine". Stuff they give to help him relax before they took him back. He is so out of it, it's funny!

They waited too long after giving him this, however, to take him to surgery because they said he should go back with the nurse fairly easily and not remember being separated from us. Well, he screamed for me as they were carrying him to the OR and he says he remembers being separated from us. I was not that impressed with that part.

We actually have the little scrub pj's at home with us because he would NOT take them off. The nurse said we could keep them. I'm sure we'll pay for them in the total bill somewhere. He also got to keep the cap (which is for an older child because the one they use for little kids was way too small).

The Skittles in his hand were from the lady at pre-registraion. That's all he wanted all day long. Can't have them for a week, but at least he could hold them. He was out of it in the photo on the left and finally napping later that evening.

He is doing great and is living on yogart and popsicles. A little Tylenol for the pain, but that's it. Such a trooper! Love this little boy!

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