Wednesday, January 6, 2010

another month has gone by...

...and haven't blogged. Oh well. :)

Trying a new look and photo with the blog. We'll see if it works. I am not a whiz on the 'puter so not sure how to get it to look exactly how I want. This is OK for now.

We all had a great Christmas. We did Christmas with Nana and Papa Dave a week before, then Christmas eve with Chad's mom and family, Christmas day with just us here in the morning then at my dad's that afternoon. Lots of presents and good food. I swear I've gained 40 lbs! Good thing I got some gift cards so I can go buy new pants.

The boys are doing well. Alex is are accident/injury prone boy so a few trips to the clinic/ER but he's good now! I'll post a little more on him in the next week or so.

Jack went to his first movie in the theatre with his Uncle Dave and cousin Casey. We had a small mis-communication which ended in Jack getting a Pepsi to drink. He's four. PEPSI. Oh well. The highlight from the whole experience was the Pepsi, not the movie. He came home and shoveled almost the whole driveway!

Ben is growing like a weed. I did look in his brother's baby books and he is smaller then they were at this age. Benny is 18 lbs. 5 oz (roughly) and the other two were that weight at 6 months. Ben is 8 months. Maybe he knows he's the last one, so he's staying smaller for me! He says da da and is sitting up on his own. No crawling yet, but that's OK. One less thing for me to worry about at the moment. He's also a really good eater and is learning to use a sippy cup at meal time. He is just too cute and I smother him in kisses every day!

Jack is loving school. He gets mad when it's Saturday. He goes out with Chad almost every day to do chores. That boy is in heaven out here. He is such a good helper.

Chad is busier than ever. He's gone from four 12-hour days and two off to five 12-hour days and two off. Plus, you know, farming here and his other farming job for the neighbor. I think he's a tall guy with brown hair and blue eyes, handsome fella. From what I remember ;)

They look just like him. . . .

The boys found these hats with ear flaps that must have been Gary's. They won't fit Chad so they have claimed them and when Alex put his on, all I could think of is what Nancy has called him from the start...Little Gary! Couldn't see it before, but with that hat, I sure see it now!

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