Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Alex is doing so great recovering from his surgery. He's back to eating normal foods, although smaller portions. His tummy probably shrunk due to his strict Popsicle/yogurt diet. He is our grazer as Chad calls it. Not so much for the big meals, more for the snacking every hour on the hour :)

He sounds 'froggy' when he talks. Pretty sure that's normal and will go away in a week or less. I can tell, even if he is froggy, that he isn't as nasally when he talks. And his snoring is GONE. I can't even hear him breathe. I am soooooo relieved this is done and he will be healthier for it.

School was cancelled on Wednesday for the funeral of one of Chad and my old teachers. She was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer late November and is already gone. Makes you think how fragile life is and you never know what's going to happen. So very sad.

Don't waste one day.

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