Friday, September 24, 2010

fair time

Last week was the Vernon County Fair and my dad asked us to run the DQ stand this year. Since Chad is sans job right now I figured it would be a win/win situation. The weather was lousy which is typical for the fair. With that and the economy attendance was down and the stand was pretty slow. I didn't take my camera because I worked every day and there's only so much animal booty one person wants to see.

The boys had a good time and Chad brought them to the fair just about every day. Mom and Dave took them on rides and stuff on Saturday and they had a blast! Since the weather was icky everyone got a head cold and for some reason Ben has ended up with rotavirus. So he's been cranky lately.

Alex is just Alex and is adjusting to being without Jack during the day. He plays with Ben but it's not the same. Jack is loving school. He is in love with gym class and art and just about everything. School is so good for him but he is ravenous when he gets home. Man, that boy can eat!

I've made a few more diapers but with Benny having the bugs I haven't been able to try them on him. I need to upload some picts too. Maybe when I'm not elbow deep in poo :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have been busy sewing and making things lately.
We cloth diaper Ben and I like to find out as much info as I can to really know what I'm doing. There are a couple of websites I follow that are cloth diaper related. One is about sewing you own diapers, so I figured I can do that!
The first couple of diapers I made were a few months ago and weren't too great. I've bought a couple of WAHM (work at home mom) diapers and am trying to come up with something as good as they make. WAHM diapers are kind of pricey (usually $20 and up) because of all the work of one person making and selling them on their own. That's why I want to make some super cute ones myself.
It is a little (a lot) frustrating trying to find materials locally. A lot of fabrics I want to use like Bamboo are only available on line and the other cotton fabrics no store in my town has. I have to go an hour away and plan ahead so I can get what I need, which I haven't even had a chance to do yet. The PUL waterproof fabric is hard to come by as well as being expensive! Luckily my mom was awesome enough to get some for me :) Thanks mom! Now she just needs to come visit so I can start using it.
Here are 2 of the 3 diapers I made recently:

Here's a little peek into my 'workspace': the dining room table/dumping ground

Nothing like a little organized chaos to get the creative juices flowing :) I'm also working on some sippy cup leashes to keep the cups hitting the floor when you are shopping or in the car. I have a little more tweaking to do and hopefully it wasn't a huge waste of time.


We've had a few firsts at our house lately.

First off, (he he) Ben got his first big boy hair cut last week. He really doesn't have much hair, but what he did have was growing over his ears and was long, scraggly old man hair in the back. So we took him to my hair appt. and had his first trim. He held still really well but didn't want to stand so I kind of had to hold him up against me. I hadn't had my hair done yet, so just ignore that!

Jack had his first day of all day Kindergarten last Wednesday. He was not really looking forward to it but after the back to school night he was more ready.

He got up really early that day and got on the bus with no problems. When he got home he had to tell us how awesome gym class was. We told him he'd love it, but he must have had to experience it for himself :)

He took his first lunch today so we'll see if that was a fun as he thought it would be.
Also it is my first post of September. Hopefully there will be more :)