Friday, September 24, 2010

fair time

Last week was the Vernon County Fair and my dad asked us to run the DQ stand this year. Since Chad is sans job right now I figured it would be a win/win situation. The weather was lousy which is typical for the fair. With that and the economy attendance was down and the stand was pretty slow. I didn't take my camera because I worked every day and there's only so much animal booty one person wants to see.

The boys had a good time and Chad brought them to the fair just about every day. Mom and Dave took them on rides and stuff on Saturday and they had a blast! Since the weather was icky everyone got a head cold and for some reason Ben has ended up with rotavirus. So he's been cranky lately.

Alex is just Alex and is adjusting to being without Jack during the day. He plays with Ben but it's not the same. Jack is loving school. He is in love with gym class and art and just about everything. School is so good for him but he is ravenous when he gets home. Man, that boy can eat!

I've made a few more diapers but with Benny having the bugs I haven't been able to try them on him. I need to upload some picts too. Maybe when I'm not elbow deep in poo :)

1 comment:

Nana said...

Nana and Papa Dave had a blast as well. It was a long day and everyone was tired at the end of it but it was fun to see the boy's smiles on the rides.