Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have been busy sewing and making things lately.
We cloth diaper Ben and I like to find out as much info as I can to really know what I'm doing. There are a couple of websites I follow that are cloth diaper related. One is about sewing you own diapers, so I figured I can do that!
The first couple of diapers I made were a few months ago and weren't too great. I've bought a couple of WAHM (work at home mom) diapers and am trying to come up with something as good as they make. WAHM diapers are kind of pricey (usually $20 and up) because of all the work of one person making and selling them on their own. That's why I want to make some super cute ones myself.
It is a little (a lot) frustrating trying to find materials locally. A lot of fabrics I want to use like Bamboo are only available on line and the other cotton fabrics no store in my town has. I have to go an hour away and plan ahead so I can get what I need, which I haven't even had a chance to do yet. The PUL waterproof fabric is hard to come by as well as being expensive! Luckily my mom was awesome enough to get some for me :) Thanks mom! Now she just needs to come visit so I can start using it.
Here are 2 of the 3 diapers I made recently:

Here's a little peek into my 'workspace': the dining room table/dumping ground

Nothing like a little organized chaos to get the creative juices flowing :) I'm also working on some sippy cup leashes to keep the cups hitting the floor when you are shopping or in the car. I have a little more tweaking to do and hopefully it wasn't a huge waste of time.

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