Wednesday, October 5, 2011

fair and other things

I know this update is long overdue, but here it is nonetheless. The Fair was a couple of weeks ago and I worked the DQ stand again and again the weather SUCKED! It's hard to sell ice cream when I'm sitting with a space heater and a blanket. Dad watched the stand for a few hours on Saturday (the only semi-nice day all week) so Chad and I could take the kids on some rides. Ben was just tall enough to go on the kiddie rides too.

Even though we have a trampoline in our back yard, all the kids begged to go in the bounce house.

They all wanted to go on the "roller coaster" and they ended up in the first car. This is what happened next...

He looked completely terrified. Until he saw some classmates (girls) on the ground. Then he looked like this...

Benny started off good and then ended with his hands over his face. It might have been too much for him but when he got off he said he had fun and had a smile on his face.

Benny has been growing up so fast. I would now consider him potty trained! I gave away the few disposables and sold a bunch of our cloth diapers. I bought some cloth trainers but by the time the last two got here, he was pretty much trained. I cannot believe it happened so fast. It's been almost a month and he has had just a couple of accidents. He is doing incredible! So happy!

Chad applied and had an interview for a job with the county department and everything sounded great. We just found out today he didn't get the job. I am so so so bummed out. This would have gotten him out of the job that he absolutely hates and into a career. Like his mom said, everything happens for a reason so we will be waiting to find out what that reason is.

I had my monthly girls night out last weekend. So fun and so needed. I love that we've kept connected for so long. And I actually found a wine that I can drink! Love love love our girls night out!!!

I hosted a Norwex party (cleaning cloths and environmentally friendly cleaning products) the other week and that was fun! I've never hosted any sort of party before so this was fun and got a lot of the neighbors and other people I know together. Not to mention I got a ton of free products =) The stuff actually works and I can't wait to try some of the stuff I got.

The weather has been super awesome here lately. The last two days it has been 80 or above. I actually hung out the laundry today. In October! That's crazy!

The boys are doing good in school. Jack's reading skills are improving. He took a book home from school and I wanted him to read it to me. He told me he couldn't but we sat down anyway and he read 98% of it all by himself. He was pretty proud. He is such a little man and a little Chad. He wanted to drive the skid steer and feed the pigs by himself. He will be our helper.

Alex has been really aggressive lately especially towards Ben which I don't like. He needs to be kept busy and school is great, I just wish it was more than two days a week. Today we took a really long walk. Chad had Ben in the dump truck hauling rock so it was just him and me which was nice. We just signed him up for hockey and he is so excited. Chad said he saw a woman at the fair with a shirt that said "I don't have a life. My kid's in hockey" or something like that. It's very true. Here, hockey is very heavy with parent involvement. We need to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours or we are charged $10 per hour we don't. Last Friday night we all went and help with rink set-up and between Chad and I we banked 6 hours! The boys played with some other kids, I did some cleaning (wow, is it moldy in there), and Chad helped with installing the coils. Very interesting how the ice is made.

I'm sure there was more to tell but it's getting late and I need to go to bed. Maybe I'll take some pictures tomorrow. Maybe =)

1 comment:

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

Sorry to hear Chad did not get the job but you never know what will happen.

What kind of wine, we might have a bottle or two in the wine cellar?

Glad to hear the boys had fun at the fair but did not see that they had fun, the pictures did not come through!

Love you all!