Tuesday, May 27, 2008

backyard project--part 4

See Dave, I told you I had a bunch of posts worth!

The first two pictures are of the back wall being put up on Sunday. We had to dig a trench in order to put drain tile down to ensure proper drainage so my Dad offered to come and help. That was a huge help, too because I don't dig dirt very well. This dirt was packed hard and clay. It went so much faster with his help.

We filled behind the blocks and on top of the drain tile with gravel. Initially, we were going to put dirt ontop of that and sod on that, but we ended up with way more gravel than what we needed. So Chad came up with the idea of putting gravel all the way up to the top of the blocks and back to the fence. I still say that was the best idea of the whole weekend. Now we don't have to dick around with a tiny strip of grass and we used the rock. The rest Chad scattered around because next weekend we're going to wheel 11 yards of limestone chips (like pea gravel, but cheaper) for a base for the swingset. More fun in store. Stay tuned!
This is what it looked like on Monday when Chad finished up... Not bad if I do say so myself!

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backyard project--part 3

Saturday was a busy day of working. Chad brought the skid steer over from the farm and did a lot of the dirt work with it and moved some of the retaining blocks into the backyard. Less to wheel back in the wheelbarrow. I'm all for that.

Chad rented a sod cutter and rolled up all the sod from the "site" to re-use it on the lower side where we had to build up the yard. Dave helped us roll all that out while Mom took G&G back home. That was a huge help. Those rolls were way too heavy for me to help with so that was a great help. The last picture is what it looked like Saturday night when we called it quits for the day.
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backyard project--part 2

More progress. Saturday night, Mom, Dave, Grandma, and Grandpa came up to the house and grilled chicken for all of us. That was great to have the visit and the dinner. Of course Grandpa can't just sit and relax, so he grabbed a shovel and helped Chad with the screenings. I swear, the man doesn't act a day over 85! :)

And of course we had our little helpers...

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backyard project--part 1

Ok, so we've started our backyard project this last weekend and actually made quite a bit of progress. Because I can't figure out how to post more than four pictures in one post, I'll have multiple posts a day of progress. Here it is:

We were outside ALL weekend. The TV was only on to check the weather and a little at night before Chad and I almost fell asleep on the couch before 10:30! It's so nice to be outdoors and to be doing something other than cleaning the house and watching television. By Monday night, the house was a disaster and it was obvious that I was not inside doing any sort of cleaning! That's OK, I got it all done today. Thats the beauty of being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). I'm not limited to the weekends to get my stuff done, I can do them any day of the week.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

backyard project

We have a "little" :) backyard project going on right now. We are putting a play set in the backyard and it requires quite a bit of work. Last Sunday Chad got everything mapped out and a few screenings put down for the retaining wall. Hopefully this weekend we can do all the dirt moving, sod cutting, and build the wall, but we'll see how far we actually get. Then next weekend we can haul in the rocks/chips for a base for the kids to fall on, and the weekend after that, get the play set built. Realistically, it will be at least 4 weeks before the kids can enjoy their new set. Plus we're going to re-side the house too so busy summer.

I hope to take pictures of the backyard project and post them so everyone can see our outlandish project! The kids are worth it. Every penny.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Is it? Isn't it? One can never tell in Wisconsin. It's actually been pretty nice lately. We've all been outside a lot lately, which is nice.

Jack chooses his own footware to go outside in, and he almost always picks snow boots. Mom and Dave got these for Jack for next winter, but I don't know if they're going to make it that long! He comes inside and says, "My feet are all sweaty." No way! Really?

Here's a few picts of our outside fun...

Can anyone guess what that is in Alexs' mouth? No? It's a GIANT chunk of fat from the steaks we had the other night. And yes, he took a huge bite and chewed it. I laughed and grabbed the camera, Chad was all, "no, get it away from him." I had him spit it out (after I took some pictures, of course).
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

i love a man who cleans

My grandma B. got me a Swivel Sweeper for my birthday and I finally put it together. Let me just say this may be the best invention since Valium! It's great for the in-between vac jobs and everyday meal/dirt/sand/play dough crumbs not to mention THE KIDS ACTUALLY HELP WITH SOMETHING! Jack especially loves to get it out and use it. Score! He thinks it's fun and it's one less thing for me to have to do. Thanks Grandma (and the Swivel Sweeper people)!

Jack decided to take a nap on his own terms today (and slept 'till 7 PM) and I caught him sleeping with his arm just like me! I had no idea he sleeps like this. It's kind of neat to see what little quirks your kids get from each of you!

I will leave you with this tonight:
Jack (holding a magnifying glass): "Hey Mommy, bend over."
Me: "Um, no."
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Saturday, May 10, 2008


OK, so here are the pictures that didn't make it the last post. I have no idea what the deal is, but whatever. That's what I get for not being computer savvy. They are not in order.

Jack had a good one the other day. He kept saying Momma, Momma, Momma... and I said "Could you just give me a minute?" So he sticks out his hand and says, "Here's a minute." Sassy. I told Chad and he thought that was a good one.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

bad blogger :(

I know, I know! I'll be better, I promise! Finally got the camera out again after weeks in mothballs. The first one is from a few weeks ago--enjoying one of our 'teaser' spring days...

I think he was trying to sample some of the sandbox sand :)
Not quite sure what he was doing in this photo (which is not great, by the way) but I think it's cute and shows some sort of movement! And don't even ask me why he's wearing winter boots on a 70 degree day. That's 'Just Jack' (Anyone going to get that?)

And lastly, one of the two remaining tulips finally in bloom, or it was earlier in the day.

We've been doing really good around here lately. I really believe it's the weather getting warmer and we're not crawling all over each other in the house all day. I love the days that I can fully enjoy my children all day when we don't get on each other's nerves!

Jack did pass swimming lessons!!! Yea!! I think it was for skill, not by default! He did really good, but with the life of the pool in the air, who knows if he'll be taking more lessons anytime soon. Have to wait and see.

Chad taught Alex to say "Hi" so he's saying it all the time! It's so cute--if you don't say hi back, he'll keep saying, "hi, hi, hi, hi.." He still isn't 'talking' yet, but does have new babbles. I'm not worried, but I think I will bring it up to his pediatrician on his next visit.

We have so much to do around here this summer--re-side the house (which, in order to keep cost low, requires us to pitch in and help), put up the new play set witch requires a ton of dirt removal, assembly, retaining blocks, and 11 yards of pea gravel, plus Chad hasn't planted any corn yet this year (or ever, for that matter) or hauled the 90 million loads of manure that has to be done first. Oh, that boy is busy. He needs to clone himself! Sleep is for the weak. One of these days I'll have something new and exciting to post about about me, but until 2023, this is what I got!