Tuesday, May 6, 2008

bad blogger :(

I know, I know! I'll be better, I promise! Finally got the camera out again after weeks in mothballs. The first one is from a few weeks ago--enjoying one of our 'teaser' spring days...

I think he was trying to sample some of the sandbox sand :)
Not quite sure what he was doing in this photo (which is not great, by the way) but I think it's cute and shows some sort of movement! And don't even ask me why he's wearing winter boots on a 70 degree day. That's 'Just Jack' (Anyone going to get that?)

And lastly, one of the two remaining tulips finally in bloom, or it was earlier in the day.

We've been doing really good around here lately. I really believe it's the weather getting warmer and we're not crawling all over each other in the house all day. I love the days that I can fully enjoy my children all day when we don't get on each other's nerves!

Jack did pass swimming lessons!!! Yea!! I think it was for skill, not by default! He did really good, but with the life of the pool in the air, who knows if he'll be taking more lessons anytime soon. Have to wait and see.

Chad taught Alex to say "Hi" so he's saying it all the time! It's so cute--if you don't say hi back, he'll keep saying, "hi, hi, hi, hi.." He still isn't 'talking' yet, but does have new babbles. I'm not worried, but I think I will bring it up to his pediatrician on his next visit.

We have so much to do around here this summer--re-side the house (which, in order to keep cost low, requires us to pitch in and help), put up the new play set witch requires a ton of dirt removal, assembly, retaining blocks, and 11 yards of pea gravel, plus Chad hasn't planted any corn yet this year (or ever, for that matter) or hauled the 90 million loads of manure that has to be done first. Oh, that boy is busy. He needs to clone himself! Sleep is for the weak. One of these days I'll have something new and exciting to post about about me, but until 2023, this is what I got!

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